Funding and Grants Bodies: Impresario Sponsors: Plus anonymous Impresario sponsors Aria Sponsors: …
Choral Magnificence August 24th and 25th at NCMA
Another sell out magnificent concert:
“A wonderful concert, rich in choral polyphony … felt like we were being immersed in the musical equivalent of a baroque cathedral. Thank you to the Nelson Civic Choir and orchestra for this memorable evening of ‘Choral Magnificence’” Marion Gilbertson
“It was amazing, I loved it, everyone was shouting more, more… ” Pauline
“Mum, this is one of the best concerts I’ve seen you perform. The music enveloped the entire audience in a warm and happy way.” – Leonora
“Such a great concert! I didn’t want to leave my seat! I wanted to listen to more music”
“We went through a Police breathalyzer check point on the way home, one policeman said that so many people were coming from our concert completely elated”